We send orders around the world via premium tracked shipping from the nearest international distribution hub, offering a 100% reliable delivery – plus total peace of mind.
The normal transit time is around 7-30 days, but for some particular countries and situations it may take up to 45 days.
CUSTOMS: We don’t pretend to have intimate or extensive Customs knowledge of the entire world. We’ll work hard to avoid your package experiencing problems, but in the end we can’t guarantee you won’t experience delays or be charged duties or other fees (usually, it’s not the case). There’s always a risk (just like stepping out your front door in the morning!) – while we’ll do what we can to work with you, we can’t and don’t take any responsibility for any dealings with your country’s Customs service.
Your package isn’t there yet? No worries, just contact us and we’ll make sure it will get to you as fast as possible.